On India Together’s journalism..

From a recent email to the Editor

Rohit Chakrabarti: Dear India Together Team, I have really liked your magazine & appreciate your effort… I am based out of New Delhi and was thinking about going to WB (my birth place) and starting a movement for change, especially after reading some of your articles.

Pushpa Achanta’s article on the Special Olympics

Participants rejoice at the Special Olympic Games in Newcastle. Picture Courtesy: Owen Hammond/Special Olympics Asia Pac games 2013
Participants rejoice at the Special Olympic Games in Newcastle. Picture Courtesy: Owen Hammond/Special Olympics Asia Pac games 2013
Venkatesh Hariharan: I would like to thank the author and India Together for bringing such an important accomplishment into the public eye. I have shared it on Facebook and also urged my friends to share this wonderful news.

Shripad Dharmadhikary’s write-up on the lessons that can be learned from the dispute between India and Pakistan over the Kishenganga hydroelectric project
Schematic representation of the Jhlelum river. Picture Courtesy: Partial Award of PCA
Schematic representation of the Jhlelum river. Picture Courtesy: Partial Award of PCA
Raj Shekhar: Amazing article. Great insight into this complex international issue.

Shankar Jaganathan’s article on the difference on opinion between two prominent economists, Amartya Sen and Jagadish Bhagwati, with respect to the Food Security Bill
Economist Amartya Sen
Economist Amartya Sen
Rashi: I think after a long time I am reading such a comprehensive, yet concise article. If this is the kind of content to indiatogether – I am killed by your writers!! Hats off!