3 reasons + 1 more: Last call for helping Citizen Matters

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Each week, this fundraiser, we have been sharing why we think Citizen Matters is important.

Here is reason #4.

The stories you fund are published not just in Citizen Matters, but also on other media — Our Open Media Initiative partners range from small neighbourhood newspapers like Frazer Times and HSR Residents Watch, to digital portals like The Better India and Scroll, and now we look forward to working with the leading Kannada newspaper, Prajavani!

The reach and impact is beyond our own website, newsletters and social media. We believe good journalism needs to spread far and wide. This tiny team spends all our waking hours in enabling citizen change makers and digging out the information that can benefit all Bangaloreans.

But unless YOU take that few seconds to donate, none of these reasons matter.
If you want to see this important work continue, I urge you to donate.

Donate now!

Here are the five runners, who will be running the TCS World 10K this Sunday to support the journalism published on CitizenMatters.

  • Thejesh GN for open data and transparency –
  • Raghu Kashyap for stories on waste management –
  • Shilpi Sahu for saving lakes –
  • Jothi Padmanabhan for stories on education and schooling –
  • Kalyan Devi for a garbage-free Bengaluru –

Our target is Rs 3 lakhs and we have so far reached 49.27% of our target goal. And this is from only 38 donors! Imagine if the rest of our readers were to contribute…

This is our last pitch for funds till our next cycle in end-2016, so we won’t be bombarding you with mails for a while. We request you to open your hearts (and your wallets) and contribute generously to our runners’ campaigns.