Raghu is running to help solve the waste management crisis? Will you chip in?

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Raghu Kashyap is a technology, running and cycling enthusiast, who in his own right is a champion for waste management. He was instrumental in getting his office on MG Road to adopt waste segregation and in-house composting. He believes that “the future generations will thank all the citizens who work towards the better care of the planet today.”

Raghu is also participating in the TCS World 10K on May 15th. And no small surprise that he is running to raise funds for the waste and waste management coverage on Citizen Matters.


Since 2011, Citizen Matters has had a dedicated section on waste and waste management, featuring close to 300 articles. Instead of merely being a space for reporting the city’s glaring ineptitude in managing waste effectively, this section, more than any other, highlights our solution-centric approach towards solving the crisis.

Yes, we have reported extensively on what is wrong and why.

But what marks our work are the stories of change – about how citizens are taking it on themselves to reduce, refuse and recycle.

And for those folks looking to make a difference, we have stories that will serve as the starting point.

Support Raghu’s campaign to help Citizen Matters continue to highlight the problems and solutions for Namma Bengaluru on the waste management front. To make a donation by cheque or NEFT, click here.