Masterclass on Urban Mobility: Why is there traffic?

Masterclass poster

Why is there traffic in our cities? Is it because of narrow roads, clogged junctions, too many vehicles, or poor public transport? What kind of infrastructure can solve our traffic problem – wider roads, flyovers, elevated roads, better footpaths, cycle lanes, metro or buses? 

Join us for a Masterclass on Urban Mobility to deconstruct issues related to personal commute, public transport and sustainable solutions, and understand fundamental concepts related to traffic congestion, accessibility, affordability and last-mile connectivity. 

Share your insight and build a manifesto for a better commute, in your city or just your neighbourhood. 

When: 4pm on Saturday, 24th Feb 2024  


Facilitator:  Aloke Mukherjee, WRI India


We will explore the following topics

  1. Key principles of urban mobility, and concepts like Volume/ Capacity ratio, Modal Split, Passenger Car Unit/ Equivalent (PCU/E), Person per hour per direction (PPHPD ), Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) etc.
  2. Effect of road infrastructure – when do we need flyovers or underpasses? How wide should roads be? How should junctions be designed? 
  3. Role of public transport and limitations. What are multimodal options? How do we solve issues like last-mile connectivity?
  4. Pedestrian need and design of better, safer streets for the young and the elderly

At the end of the session, participants will draft a brief manifesto for a better commute, or a solution paper on solving traffic problems in your own neighbourhood.

Who should attend

This masterclass is aimed at anyone interested in understanding traffic and transport-related issues, and finding solutions.