Introducing Co Media Lab

Citizen Matters has partnered with Radio Active Community Radio 90.4MHz to setup a community media lab. It came into being on August 1st, 2016 and  is envisaged as an independent and convergent community media platform. It serves as resource centre, newsroom and a space for dialogues and discussions for community collaborations.

Radio Active, another award winning media has long been at the forefront of Bengaluru’s community radio space, Radio Active works to widen community involvement in broadcasting and encourage various groups especially the marginalised to create and own their media landscape. They also engage with communities beyond broadcasting through outreach projects.

Co Media Lab: Team in discussion.
Co Media Lab: Team in discussion.

At the lab, we will be exploring convergence of media across genre – digital stories, podcasts, radio episodes, video explainers, performances, photography, face to face conversation and discussion. We also encourage, support, train community journalists/producers, organising regular workshops on city issues, citizen journalism, media production, problem solving etc. In addition, we support young journalists – providing student internships/training for a live newsroom experience.

More information at

Look out for upcoming workshops and partnerships!